Meet Donna Nesteruk

Donna has been in the Holistic Healthcare Field for over 25 years. She holds a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine having studied Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. Donna is certified in Facial Rejuvenation with acupuncture and facial cupping. Her studies went further into Sound Therapy with Tuning Forks. She then became an instructor in tuning fork therapy and offers private sessions. ‘Inner Strength with Donna,’ is her first business, which has brought her to expanding her wellness ‘apothecary’ in creating organic salves.

Understanding the importance of the lymph system, Donna recognized the need to offer her patients additional therapies to keep the lymph system flowing for proper detoxification. She continued her studies in cupping and became certified in Lymph Drainage.

Donna saw the need for a salve to enhance lymph and blood circulation which can be massaged on specific areas as a daily practice. This is when the light bulb went off for her and she realized she could create that product herself. Her love and passion for Earth and Nature’s ability to assist the body in healing, ultimately created a desire to produce salves that would encourage the body to heal naturally.

Read more about the salves and application here:

The Story Behind ‘Savage’ :

Savage may not be the most feminine name for a product created by a female, but read below and you will totally understand how the name fits perfectly and how it’s meant to encourage light-heartedness.

It’s a name she was coined by her family because she’s always on the go and taking care of anything that needs attention. Her motto is, “Don’t put off ‘till tomorrow what can be done today.” She doesn’t like to be idle unless she’s sitting on the beach. It didn’t take long before her daughters started gifting her “Savage” tee shirts and sweatshirts as a joke. Perhaps one of the clinches was when she was preparing a Christmas meal. The sweet potato was so huge she couldn’t cut it with a knife, so she took it outside (in the dead of Winter while only wearing bike shorts & a tee shirt!) with bare feet and a cleaver, and placed it on the ground to split it. Thankfully missing her toes! Of course, unbeknownst to her, her daughter caught it on video.

In the Beginning: So many businesses start in garages. Not this one! Being a female run company, Donna chose the studio designed basement in her home equipped with the amenities and cleanliness called “The Lab”. This is where she goes into “alchemist mode” to do her planning and blending.

Fun Facts about the Dandelion Logo: Don’t spray the Dandelions!

These beautiful yellow flowering herbs are often thought of as the lawn weed that everyone tries to be rid of, but the dandelion is one of the most resilient herbs in herbal medicine for centuries. Hence, it’ll always grow back after being mowed over :-)

It symbolizes hope, healing, and resilience. While brainstorming over what our logo should be, Donna fell in love with the perseverance of these little dandelions and how much strength they embody. Of course everyone has childhood memories of blowing on the “puff ball” and making a wish! Whats even more to love about them is that they’re also early Spring pollinators for bees!

From the Earth,

for the body

All ingredients in our products are organic.


The herbs are specifically selected for the best intended results of each product. They are infused
for a minimum of one month and overseen with care.

Pure Essential Oils

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there,


Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve

Oils & Butters

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there do.


Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there do.